About Us

We are a book club that is specifically concerned with women's human rights.
We are supporters of Human Rights Watch, and are a project of the Women's Rights Committee of the Los Angeles office of Human Rights Watch.

The WRC supports the work of HRW's Women's Rights Division.

We read broadly: that is, memoirs, poetry, fiction, biography, non-fiction, even philosophy and the occasional film viewing have made it into our repertoire. The selections all share some engagement with issues of women and human rights.

Our goals in reading this material are several, including:
  • to take responsibility for our own education about the status of women's rights around the world
  • to challenge our own conceptions of women's human rights
  • to better understand human rights advocacy and advocacy for women's rights 
  • to learn from each other in our discussions

You do not have to be a member of HRW to join us. You do not need to read the book to join us. We meet monthly to discuss the most recent book, and to discuss our next book. You can learn more about us by reading this blog; to attend, contact the Los Angeles office.