Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Ever Film Night

We watched Taking Root, and the film was really great. It covered so many topics, and was entertaining and inspiring as well. A full review will be be written up and posted here in several days, but just to give you an idea- this film is about a woman who grew up in rural Kenya, became the first East African woman to earn a PhD, became a professor, and chair of her department. She started the Green Belt Movement, encouraging women to plant trees to fight deforestation, soil erosion, food scarcity and fuel scarcity. This simple idea turned into a platform for the formation of women's groups all over the country, which supported confidence, community, democratic practices, civic participation, environmental protection and restoration, political protest, and much more.

Next we will try something else new: author Kwame Anthony Appiah is a philosopher well known for his writing on cosmopolitanism, and his new book is about how the sense of honor plays into what he calls "moral revolutions", in which an ongoing cultural practice shifts from being acceptable to unacceptable.

More soon!