Tuesday, March 29, 2011

IntLawGrrls: Remembering Beijing: The Ferraro Factor

IntLawGrrls: Remembering Beijing: The Ferraro Factor

The author of this article was a guest speaker at the book club a while back- thanks to Ellen for this very interesting and inspiring article on Ferraro's contributions to international law on women's human rights!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

April: Machete Season

Machete Season: The Killers in Rwanda Speak (2006) by Jean Hatzfeld, Susan Sontag and Linda Cloverdale.

For updates on human rights in Rwanda, see HRW's country page. The BBC has a good brief article on 'How the Genocide Happened'. I always find it interesting to look at the government's website as a useful introduction to the current issues in the country, and if you would like to go into more detail, I highly recommend that you check out Frontline coverage-- they have interviews, a chronology, political background, analysis, and more.

Susan Sontag's preface says that this book is one that  "everyone should read . . . [because making] the effort to understand what happened in Rwanda . . . is part of being a moral adult."

We will meet on Tuesday, April 12th to discuss the book.