Saturday, June 20, 2009

UPDATE: Liberian Women's Movement- on TV

Check it out!
Just yesterday, Leymah Gbowee, one of the leaders of the women's movement profiled in the film, Pray the Deil Back to Hell was profiled on Bill Moyers!

The Bill Moyers website also has some useful background information, including a global map of Women in Politics in 2008.
They also mention UNIFEM's 2009 report on "Progress of the World's Women", which looks at women's participation in decision making- and this interest in women's accountability is directly connected to the momentum created by United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 (lots of information here).

Human Rights Watch has been active in this process, and has helped to bring the issue of women's participation in decision making and women's leadership to the undenyable attention of the United Nations, helping to shape the discussion and laying the foundation for more attention being paid to this issue in future peace keeping and peace making efforts, and Human Rights Watch continues to work on pushing this issue at the UN.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

August (TBD)

We are thinking of mixing it up a little this summer and watching a movie instead of reading a book...

If we do not manage to get a copy of the film, we are planning on reading the book: When the Elephants Dance, by Tess Uriza Holthe. It is a historical novel, set in the Philippines during WWII, when the USA and Japan were fighting in the Philippines, and uses myths and stories to tell the story of civilians surviving the war.

Here is a short interview of the author.

The exact date is TBD.