Thursday, March 5, 2009

For April/ May 11th, "Slave: My True Story"

Update: We had a wonderful, wide-ranging discussion about this book. Mende's description of her childhood in the first half of the book held the interest of a number of readers. We wondered how much of what we were reading was accurate, since the book was written under such difficult circumstances, and with such limited translation. The broad strokes of the story, however, were still illuminating, and inspired discussion about how social and cultural difference is perceived, how intervention in cultures can (and should) happen, the value of self-critique, and the shocking pervasiveness of the practice of slavery- something popularly considered obsolete.

In 2008, Slave was make into a stage play. According to an online article, she is now married, living in London, and planning on becoming a hairdresser. She also managed to visit her family in Sudan.

Please join us for a very interesting discussion on May 11th.

Mende Nazer is an escaped modern-day slave. Slavery is often considered a thing of the past, but human trafficking and slavery is still a part of the global economy.

Human Rights Watch has documented harsh treatment of domestic workers in Saudi Arabia, Children working in Indonesia, Child soldiers in the Congo, Farm workers in Brazil, and the list goes on.

Mende Nazer managed to escape after she was sent to London to work (without pay and without any say in the matter) for a diplomat who was stationed there. To read a synopsis of her story, read this 2003 article.

There is also this very interesting mp3 video of a 2007 panel symposium called "Stand Up, Speak Up: an Agenda for 21st Century Women" at Agnes Scott College, on which Mende Nazer participates in a dialogue with other impressive women leaders.