Thursday, July 3, 2008

August 27th: Lipstick Jihad

We have decided to read Lipstick Jihad: A Memoir of Growing up Iranian in America and American in Iran by Azadeh Moaveni. You can check the book out on Google Books. It is a good summer book, and the author was an intern with Human Rights Watch. There is not a lot of history or political background in the book, so check back on the blog soon, as I will also try to post more news stories of interest. For now, check out Wikipedia.

For geographical reference, here is a map of the region

The author has her own website, and she recently went back to visit Iran. She wrote an article in the Washington Post about this visit on June 1. You can also read a 2005 interview with Moaveni here. There is also a more recent 2007 interview at California Literary Review.

BBC story on controlling women's dress